Monday, March 29, 2010

A Blink in Eternity

Sometimes, it's difficult to rest in the promises of God. I know how often I've written on here that we need to have faith and peace - and we certainly should - but it can be difficult when it feels like circumstances and the people close to us are against us, when it seems that all the elements of the world are conspiring together to tick us off. We look at those who are openly either apathetic toward God or even against Him and we see them prospering in seemingly all areas and then we start to wonder why God blesses them instead of us.

In a way, that feeling is valid in our human understanding because it's not a very good marketing campaign for God for us to all suffer while the rest of the world enjoys its Dionysian lifestyle. But there is an end for people who do not believe that we too often forget, a terrible and eternal end that is so horrific, any of them would gladly give all they have in this world and live like a beggar in a third-world country for the rest of their lives to be spared a second of, an end that we won't have to face.

In that, we are richer than the rest of the world, for we have something they don't. Don't be jealous then of what others seem to have that you do not, for if they knew what you have that they don't, they would gladly trade it all.

But they don't have to. It's free for all of us. This life is but a blink compared to the one that awaits us. What does it matter who is with whom, who has how much money, or who has what job? We are mortal, and our lives to come will wipe from us all the importance that we now attach so readily to this life.

There are but two purposes in life: to know Christ and to make Him known. The rest is either stuff that will help you with those or take you from those. Most of the things you're jealous of others for fall into the latter category. Actually, if you're falling into the sin of jealousy over them, there is a part of you that is being driven away already, even if the things themselves are good things to have.

Search your heart. Find what you are holding onto in this world, the things that you are jealous of others for having. Remind yourself of your true calling in this life, of what really matters.

There is the story of a king in ancient times who wanted something that he could say in all situations that would be both true and appropriate. After his wise men debated for a month, they came up with this: "And this, too, shall pass." Keep your focus on the eternal, and not on this blink in eternity.

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