Monday, March 15, 2010

A Little Poetry

Sometimes I write poetry and am amazed at how succinctly an idea can be expressed. There is something about poetry that lends an additional power to the words and makes them say more with less than I could with two pages of prose. This particular one has become one of my favorites:

All That Was Needed

“I cannot do this!” I cried out,
And to this I heard no reply.
“I failed again!” did I shout,
But God did not answer why.
Angered now and so full of shame
That not good enough was my best;
I stormed off cursing my name
And knowing I’d failed God’s test.
“What you want from me I don’t know!
Nor do I think I have it to give.
I need to let this burden go,
For this way I cannot live.
I tried to live, God, by your rule;
I failed, I sinned so many times.
And being human, hence, a fool,
I repeated one by one my crimes.
I tried to witness but cannot speak
Your truth in a way they would hear.
I’d be on missions, but am so weak
And crippled still by my fear.
I cannot do this!” I cried out,
And this time my cry was heeded.
“I know,” God said, “Without a doubt;
But your heart was all that was needed.”

So often we think God needs our money, our time, our effort, or our love to bring about His will. He doesn't. If He depended on us for anything, He would be less than we need Him to be, because He wouldn't be God over everything. He could reform the universe with a snap of His fingers, making everything perfect again. He could create a mountain of gold in someone's backyard or form the perfect person for someone out of clay and breathe life into it or send angels to deliver all His messages. He doesn't need us to do anything. He only wants to work through us, and I believe that's every bit as much for our benefit as it is for those whom He wants to touch through us.

There's not a whole lot we actually can do anyway in our own strength. We aren't bold enough to preach His name where it's not welcome. We're not courageous enough to go into countries that have banned Christianity and spread the Word. We're not capable of loving others when they've hurt us badly. We're not capable of true forgiveness when we're offended time and time again. We can't really change people with our own wisdom. It is God working through us, perfecting the work which He began in us.

The Bible says God remembers that we are but dust. He knows our weaknesses and how much we can't do. But He also knows how much He can do. Working through us, He is enough for all that He would have us do. You don't need talent or ability or experience or wealth or wisdom to serve. All you need is a heart that is willing to let God work through you.

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