Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Big is YOUR God?

Gandhi once said, “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever." How big is the God you serve? Is He only big enough to take care of your afterlife? Is He only big enough to find you good parking spots when you go shopping? Is He only big enough when you need healing from some medical thing the doctors can't diagnose? How big is your God?

I catch myself still worrying about a couple situations in my life and thinking about what I can do to fix them. I can do nothing by myself. I have to let God guide me and work things out to His will. I can't change the hearts of those around me; I can't heal their pain, much as I would love to; I can't make them stop living in the past; I can't make them stop fearing the future. I cannot make them trust God and turn to Him. All I can do is trust God and ask Him to guide my words in actions if He wishes to work through me to help them. Healing will come in time, if these people let God work in their lives. It will probably come through other people because God uses others more often than not, but it will be God's work, not theirs.

God created the universe. Think about that for a second. Think about how far just the moon is from us. God created a big white rock and put it in orbit around our planet so we'd have a little light on most nights. All of the countless atoms that make up the moon, He created. The incalculably high number of atoms in the rest of the galaxy is beyond our comprehension. Yet He knows where every last one of them is at all times.

He is the God Who created life. Scientists have not been able to duplicate that in labs, no matter how favorable they make the conditions. They can recreate parts of DNA, but making it come to life is beyond their abilities. The same God made our brains the most complex computers ever invented by far and made our everlasting souls. How big is your God?

At my last job, I made spreadsheets, probably over a hundred of them. Most of the time, they worked pretty well and people were happy with them. When they broke, though, either through my error or theirs, who did they want to fix it? Me, naturally. Why? Because I knew the most about the spreadsheet. Why, then, do we turn first to our friends, family, work, alcohol, drugs, or sex - almost anything but God - when our bodies, minds, or souls are broken? Do we not think Him able? Do we not think Him willing to help? Do we resist Him because we fear we'll have to give up control of our lives, control we really don't have anyway?

Look at the situations in your life right now. Look at your pain, your struggles, your trials. It doesn't matter whether they're your fault or not. What matters is whether you believe your God is big enough to get you through them.

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