Friday, October 22, 2010

My Burden

My burden is so heavy,
Yet I carry it alone.
It is best if my problems
Remain to the world unknown.
My burden makes me stumble,
Yet it I cannot share,
For I would rather trip and fall
Than before a friend be bare.
My burden cuts my shoulders,
There's blood dripping down my back,
Better though to suffer silent
Than admit that strength I lack.
My burden is so heavy -
No, please, friend, just let it be.
What are you doing? Put me down!
I don't want you to carry me.
My burden makes me stumble,
How much more will it make you?
I see that you are quite strong
But you are carrying me, too.
My burden cuts my shoulders,
I see yours have already bled
You've carried burdens before,
Though there's a crown on your head.
My burden is so light now
For I don't carry it alone.
I've given it all to the One
Whose death my burden atoned.