Monday, September 27, 2010


Earlier today, I was reminded of a bad pun that said, "If God had His own business, would it be a soul proprietorship?" The reason I was reminded of it was that I was editing one of my stories where an angel asks a character whom he works for. The character thinks it's a stupid question because he assumes the angel means his employer. In the angel's sense, the question was really, "Do you work for God or yourself?"

I think it's a good time to ask yourself that question. I know I just did. And my answer wasn't very redeeming. Here I am, typing merrily away at my computer, doing what I suppose to be what God wants me to do, so in this moment (assuming this is His will), yes, I am doing His work. But what of all the hours before this one? What of the movies I've watched in the middle of the day, the games I've played, the naps I've taken, the hiking trips? What of all the books I've leafed through? All of those things are for me and most are just for entertainment. Precious little of the above was done for inspiration or information. When people ask what I do, I sometimes answer that I'm self-employed, and nothing could really be truer.

It comes down to where my treasures are and where my faith is. In a way, they're the same thing. One definition of putting your faith in something, to me, at least, is believing that a given thing or being is more likely than any other to make you happy and/or provide for you. What are our treasures if not things we look to for happiness and security? And my treasure has been the enjoyment of my vast supply of free time.

It's not about resolving to do better for the rest of this week. It's not about me trying harder. It goes back to a heart issue. Why does my heart seek my own enjoyment rather than God's will? Why am I self-employed rather than God-employed?

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