Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Marriage will do that to a blog.

If anyone hasn't heard, yep, I got hitched. Tied the knot. United our two houses. For fans of Game of Thrones, wrapped the cloak of my house's colors 'round her shoulders. Paid my sheep and goats to her father. And couldn't be happier about it. If you haven't yet met her, you really are missing out on knowing a truly wonderful and soft-hearted person.

From now on, I'm going to try to be on the ball here like a circus elephant. I'm probably not going to write daily, but I will probably try to write at least twice a week. This blog's purpose may change somewhat from being about confidence to being more varied, with reflections on the nature of God, life, subatomic particles, Dr. Who, or anything else that happens to kindle my interest at the moment. If you'd like to get all the thoughts on confidence, forgiveness, or the other books and projects I'm working on, I've launched a second blog for that: getconfidence.wordpress.com. Actually, I'd consider it a great help if you shared that with friends or told people about it (publishers and agents apparently appreciate when people other than your mother are your fans). A link on your site or blog works wonders.

Ok, enough shameless requests for publicity. How are you all doing? Seriously, news has been scarce since I moved this side of the Mississippi. Let me know what's been going on with you.

I don't have all that much else to say at the moment, as I really should be getting back to making a more serious point about the lesson I've learned in the first few weeks of marriage, so for now, I will leave you with a joke: 

Before you insult someone, try to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

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