Monday, April 12, 2010

Need for Encouragement

I've been in a bad mood the last couple of days. I don't really even know why, honestly. I've had my paternal grandfather die (though I haven't seen him or anyone else on that side of the family in over 12 years, save for one time with my older brother about 9 years ago), gotten my brother furious with me over not attending the funeral (which is today), and seemed to have lost all support of someone who had been a close friend. The weird thing is that I'm not particularly thinking about any of these things.

I've had a few moments over the past week, including today, where I've had to fight sinking back into my old thought patterns and beliefs about myself, but even that seems to be only part of the reason I am in the restless and melancholy state I find myself in.

In reality, my situation is not bad. I still have a fair bit saved up, still have my health, have become productive again in writing, and am being entrusted with a position of leadership in the young adults group I attend.

The purpose of this is not to complain. It's to ask for a bit of prayer from whoever reads this. Prayer that I figure out what's going on inside my head, prayer for strength to get through it, and prayer for some sort of encouragement in my life. Thanks.

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