Sunday, April 25, 2010

You Just Don't Get It, Do You?

Everyone knows her, the female friend who's hopelessly taken in by the wrong guy for her. You see he's the wrong guy. Her friends see it. Sometimes, even she sees it, but can't help it.

When I see such a woman, I wish I could perform a little brain surgery and just scoop out all the nonsense that's festering in there. I want to just say, "Don't you see what this is doing to you? Can't you see who he is? Don't you know that he's not what's best for you?"

And all this time, I'm being a hypocrite.

I'm being a hypocrite because I follow after idols. Not Baal or Zeus or anyone like that, but in my heart, I've bowed down and worshiped money, women, power, sex, popularity, and other things - essentially, I worshiped myself because all of those things I wanted for selfish reasons and I wanted them more than I wanted God.

And God is up in Heaven, wanting to perform a little heart surgery on me, wanting to ask if I see what it is doing to me, wanting to make me see that what I am chasing after is keeping me from what I really need.

In church today, there was a sermon about trusting God to provide and having our priorities in order. In Link, the young adults group we have afterward to discuss the sermon, we were told to put down our priorities in order, along with ones that should have made our list but didn't. My priorities have been so far out of order. And neither dealing with my issues (or rather, asking God to help me deal with them and praying for strength and wisdom on them since I can't do it alone) nor repairing broken relationships even made it to my list of priorities. I haven't been serious about my walk with God, about being an example of Him to others, both inside and outside the church.

What are your priorities in life right now? Be honest with yourself and with God (you can't lie to Him anyway). What have you not made a priority that you should? What have you been making a priority that really isn't that important?

Your life has a purpose. There is a glorious plan for you, no matter who you are. It may not lead to fame and fortune and glory, but it will lead you to something far better than any of those could ever be: God Himself. Whatever you have become, wherever you are at right now, you are not too far from God's plan that He can't bring you back. Set Him as your priority and listen as He guides the rest of your priorities. A purpose-driven life guided by God can accomplish more in one day than you alone could accomplish in a lifetime.

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