Friday, March 4, 2011

Time for Plan B?

Sometimes, I wonder why I'm actually here, both in the individual sense and in the overall humanity sense. Why did God create us? We can't possibly do anything that makes Him greater or more powerful or provide Him with something He needs. To say that we've cost Him an arm and a leg is actually an understatement. Yet He did it anyway.

The part that really blows my mind is that He created us knowing precisely what it would cost Him. A number of Christians, and I used to count myself among them, had this idea, whether stated or just in the back of their minds, that Jesus was some sort of plan B. God created everything in this world perfectly and made Adam and Eve perfect and pure. Then they messed it up and God had to come up with a plan for salvation. Jesus volunteered, waited a few thousand years, and then paid for all our sins...or at least, that's about how it went in my head.

Jesus, though, was never plan B. He didn't volunteer after the Fall, but before it. God created us and the world in perfection, but He knew it wouldn't stay that way. He knew that it would become broken, that He would have to redeem it.

When somebody wrongs me, I have to find it in my heart to forgive them. I don't know that there is anything to forgive until the wrong has been done. God knew before the world was created what every single wrong against Him would be, and chose to forgive it all anyway.

When I have a broken situation in my life, I have to come up with a plan to fix or replace it, but I can only do this after I know what's broken. God knew exactly what would break and already had a plan in place before He created us.

In short, one cannot say that Jesus was plan B unless one also claims that God is not omniscient, that we somehow surprised Him with our sin. Did He create us intending that we would sin? No, but He knew we would, much like a parent doesn't intend for a child to hurt others, but knows he or she will throughout life.

What I don't understand about it is how He did it. Which of us, if we were about to get married, somehow just knew without question that our future spouse would cheat on us, not once, but time after time after time, would go through with the marriage? Which of us, if we were about to adopt a child, found out that the child would become a murderer no matter how much we loved him and that we would have to pay the penalty for his crimes, would adopt him? I can't raise my hand to either of these. Betting you can't, either. Yet He did.

I guess my real point is that I don't understand His love. With the situations I listed above, saying no, in our human understanding, is smart because of pain avoidance/self-preservation. With God, there's none of that. He died for the very people who were killing Him. You could argue that He wasn't dead very long, but the point is He was willing to go through that pain so we didn't have to. In how many other religions is there a sacrifice of even nearly this magnitude? It would be amazing enough if Jesus was plan B, amazing because God had the right to wipe us out and start over or just leave the world empty, but it's so much more amazing to know that He knew from the beginning just what He would do to save us from ourselves.

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