Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Lover, Not a Fighter

I don't know how well you keep up with politics. I do a little, partly because of the poisoning of the northern VA climate, and there have been some major developments over the last week, most notably the striking down of DOMA and the Texas filibuster on the vote to restrict abortions.

I'm not going to get into these decisions or what I think of them. This is not a political blog. What I will say, though, is that anger if you're against what happened doesn't help. Jesus had the power to call down legions of angels to do His bidding, even if His bidding was to kill every last living creature on the planet. He could have taken over the Roman Empire in a day if He'd wanted to, destroying all temples and idols, showing people His glory and how they should worship Him.

You never see Him do that, though. He didn't even run for a city office. He wasn't about trying to change the law; He was about trying to change hearts.

The only thing He did about the law was fulfill His own because that's the law that mattered to Him. He paid taxes and lived by Roman laws, yes, because He knew God had given the Romans power over that part of the earth for a period of time, but He wasn't concerned with what laws they enacted or fighting them if He didn't like them. He wasn't campaigning against those who were for the disagreeable laws or appealing to have His case heard. He simply loved others and He could do so because He followed a higher law.

He wants you to live as He did. This means that we're not to concern ourselves with what laws our government puts out as much as following His laws: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Fighting against those who disagree with you is not letting His love flow through you. Love changes people far more easily than fighting. If you want them to live and believe like you, show them the love they could live with rather than the anger they want to avoid.

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