Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monet and Rembrandt Can Eat Their Hearts Out

I went for a walk yesterday at a little after 8. I was feeling sick and wondered if it was a good idea, but I decided to go anyway. I was rewarded with a beautiful sunset. It wasn't the best I'd ever seen, but its uniqueness lent it its own beauty.

I've heard a lot of arguments that God can be proven with evidence found in nature, and I believe that. Taking it a step further, I believe one of the proofs that God loves us is simply that the universe is a beautiful place. Nearly every evening, unless it's overcast, we're treated to a sunset unique from any other we've seen. They are pictures that move, with rich hues, subtle shading, and a vibrancy that can't be captured by any human painter. Wooded hills, majestic mountain peaks covered with snow, the Grand Canyon, and there's even beauty in some of the deserts. Look to the sky and you will see constellations, other galaxies, nebulae, and stars of every color. Look closer on earth and you can see the beauty in each other, not only physical but the more important and unique beauty of each heart.

For all that man has created, none of it has come close to what God renders every day. Even the best of what we create is simply trying to emulate the best of what He has created.

I enjoy going to the art museums in the area. I like seeing portraits, sculptures, and sea scenes. And yet the best thing one can say about them is, "Look how lifelike they are! See how much detail the creator put into them. It's almost as if I were there, viewing it with my own eyes."

Take a look around you today. See the beauty of the world that surrounds you. And then remember the God that not only made it all, but gave you the ability to appreciate it. He loves us so much that He made the universe beautiful and gave us the capacity to enjoy it. It's not something we need to survive. It's just something He did so we'd be happier, and so we'd think of Him when we looked at it.

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