Thursday, March 8, 2012

Meant for Something More

Facebook is meant for certain social interactions more than others. A status, for example, can be many things: a mundane update, a thought for the day, a joke, a celebration, a complaint about something not too terribly personal or serious, or even a veiled mourning oft disguised in song lyrics...but you almost never see one that is deeply personal and serious. You can talk about that over Facebook chat or messages, but most people prefer to have such conversations in person or at least on the phone.

I've been going through a lot lately. I'm now missing my friends in Virginia for an entirely different reason: I have no one to talk to about serious, personal things out here. One of those things is that my grandpa on my mom's side is close to passing away. I was talking to my mom about it and she said we were actually meant for heaven and that earth is just a pit stop.

The odd things about that statement is it's not how it originally was. We were created to live in a paradise on earth forever. Then Adam and Eve ate the fruit and changed all that. I'm not criticizing them. We all would have fallen sooner or later. Yet that action so defines our human condition in that even when we have it all, we don't seem to be satisfied. And so we opened the door to sin and made ourselves dependent on God not just for life, but for salvation.

The amazing thing is that Jesus didn't restore Eden to us. He gave us something better. Adam and Eve were not meant to die, which means they weren't originally going to heaven. We get to. Usually, I try to end with some way that turns the meaning of something I said earlier in the post or at least mentions it in a slightly different light, but I honestly don't have a clear point in this. I guess it's just something for me to be grateful for in a hard time.

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