Monday, May 18, 2009

A Bleating Heart

Sheep are incredibly stupid animals. They are almost completely defenseless, are scared easily, and have a tendency to wander off. They will see a patch of grass on a narrow, rocky ledge and try to get to it, not considering either how they will return or the strong possibility of falling to their deaths should they slip. When they are rescued, they will not follow behind the shepherd like a dog would; they have to be either constantly guided or literally hog-tied and carried. When in the flock, they follow other sheep, to the extent that it's possible to get sheep to go in a circle for hours.

And the Bible calls us sheep. It's not a compliment, nor is it meant to be one. It is meant to show us what we really are. Consider your life. If you are a Christian, how many things do you do that you know are against the Bible or God's will, yet you justify them because they're not as bad as some other sin or because you feel you need them or even because you deserve to have a reward for how good you've been? How often are you going for that little tuft of grass on the edge of a cliff?

If you're not a Christian, consider how many times you've done things you've regretted. Perhaps you got angry and said something terrible to a friend or coworker and ruined that relationship. Perhaps you got drunk and went home with someone you couldn't even remember when you woke up. Maybe you spent your money recklessly on entertainment and then had to scrounge for rent while avoiding your landlord.

And yet, how many times have we gone back to these things, done them over and over and over again, knowing full well that they are no good for us? How many times have we promised ourselves we'd never do that again, only to do it again the very next week?

I'm not trying to bash anyone's heads in or make anyone feel bad about themselves. I've done (and continue to do) stupid things myself. All I'm saying is that we fail constantly to live, not according to some moral code (which I understand that some of you reading this may not agree with), but in our best interests. Christianity is not about a moral code that everyone has to live up to. It's about letting yourself be rescued from yourself. It's about letting someone Who is omnipotent and omniscient and cares for you far more than you could ever understand guide you, trusting that when He guides you away from something you want, it is to lead you to something better for you. All you need is a heart that bleats for Him.

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